TensorLDA uses tensor decomposition method to estimate parameters in a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model. This introduction will focus on how to learn LDA parameters with tensor decomposition method.
LDA Parameters¶
First, we define LDA parameters:
- : number of topics
- : vocabulary size
- : dirichlet prior for topic i
- : sum of topic priors ()
- : word distribution for topic i
In the model we assume is given and our goal is to estimate and from a given corpus.
Data Moments¶
Since the model is based on decomposition of third order tensor, another assumption here is each document contains at least 3 words. Let , , and be any triple of words in a document, the first three order data moments , , and are defined as:
Based on dirichelet priors, we can derive the relationship between data moments and model parameters as:
As we know and are not necessary orthogonal, the deccomposition of may not be unique. Therefore, we need to orthogonize first.
To do this, we find orthogonal decomposition of where . Then we can define whitening matrix . And since , is orthogonal.
The thrid order tensor after whitening is:
Another advantage of whitening is dimension reduction. After whitening, the tensor dimension is reduced from to .
Tensor Decomposition¶
Currently we implemented “Robust tensor power method” described in Reference [1]. Assuming tensor is orthogonally decomposable, we can estimate one (eigenvalue, eigenvector) pair with power iteration update. Once a pair (, ) is found, we deflate tensor and compute the next (eigenvalue, eigenvector) pair. For details, check algorithm 1 in reference [1].
Parameter Reconstruction¶
Once we get all pair, reconstruction is simple:
- “Tensor Decompositions for Learning Latent Variable Models” A. Anandkumar, R. Ge, D. Hsu, S. M. Kakade, M. Telgarsky, 2014
- “Scalable Moment-Based Inference for Latent Dirichlet Allocation” C. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Song, and J. Han, 2014
- “Latent Dirichlet Allocation” D. Blei, A. Ng, M. Jordan, 2003
- “Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Scikit-learn document)”